March 23, 2009

The Pope's Answer to AIDS: A Sermon

So the Pope makes another incongruous statement, this time about how condoms are not the answer for the prevention of AIDS in Africa, and I thought we were well into the 21st century! The moral stance on the use of condoms in church doctrine is easily becoming the last straw for many Catholics, including those who might not have been initially swayed by the whole pedophilic scandals at the beginning of the decade.

I don’t see any other religious leader out there making the same outrageous statements. I bet, if you were to look inside this pope’s private trunk you would find several items of dubious character: a flagellation whip, the Harry Potter invisible cloak, the last surviving copy of The Last Inquisitor, and the manuscript autobiography of Adolf Hitler, which nobody knows exists.

To think that Africa’s AIDS pandemic can be reduced to a version of a Sunday sermon and serve as a tool to advance erroneous church doctrine is completely out touch, out of context, and out of this world. Does he have the guts to tell Africans that mosquito nets are not the answer to malaria deaths, and that digging holes to bury themselves is a better solution? I guess his PR department is AIG insured, and in that case, the bonuses are due anyway.

1 comment:

  1. The Papacy speaks like this because they once wheeled authority that no one alive now can imagine. The history speaks for it self.Note The Beast will come alive. And from the inspired pen these words were uttered in the 1800s."Rome is patient".

